Thousand over fans attend NUEST W special concert public press conference in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, 2017 – NUEST W arrived in Hong Kong on 17 November and quickly proceeded to Plaza Hollywood for the press conference of their special concert. Over a thousand L.O.Λ.E (fan of NUEST) were crowding around the mall, trying to catch a glimpse of their idol. 

It has been two years since NUEST W visited Hong Kong and they expressed that they are happy to be able to come back and wants to show their fans how much they have grown for the past 2 years.

NUEST W shared about the change in their performing style, songs, and also their surprise and gratefulness when ‘WHERE YOU AT’ managed to claim first on music shows. They added that this song is composed while thinking and missing L.O.Λ.E.

Ren shared that he would love to have the opportunity to work with Stephen Chow as he really likes the movie, ‘Shaolin Soccer’.

NUEST W also attempted Cantonese and told Hong Kong fans how much they appreciate their support and that they loved them. Baekho also surprised the fans by singing a short segment of 想你的夜 with almost-perfect pronunciation.

We definitely look forward to NUEST W’s performances tomorrow!

香港,2017 – 因為參加produce101 而人氣再次急升的組合NU’EST W,於11月17號在荷里活廣場為第二天的演唱會造勢。上千名的L.O.Λ.E早早到場支持偶像,把三層的廣場都估滿了。媒體見面會沒有開始前,大會一直播放NU’EST W最新的MV,Where you at,讓現場很有氣氛。時隔兩年再來香港的NU’EST W一出場先是用廣東話打招呼,更是很有心思的擺出特別的四人互動pose給媒體拍照。

當然,在媒體見面上,大家都不忘向NU’EST W提問。在美國生活的ARON用流利的英文回答問題,很是感謝能夠再一次來到香港開演唱會,更希望L.O.Λ.E在第二天的演唱會中有能看到他們的成長和努力,好好欣賞他們的演唱會。被問到最想合作的香港藝人,REN毫不猶豫的說是周星馳前輩,因為很喜歡少林足球這套電影,看了不下十次,所以很想有機會跟其合作。在音源排名取得很好成績的Where you at,有參與作曲作詞的白虎和JR直言不是有靈感而寫的歌曲,他們認為重要的是一首能令L.O.Λ.E喜歡和開心的歌。Where you at將他們想表達的一面給大家欣賞到,而不是在工作室一邊想一邊寫出來的歌。其實是他們在家一邊想念著粉絲,為L.O.Λ.E想的一首歌,是很用心去製造的。

大家也很關心NU’EST W現在還有沒有私人的時間和會如何打發時間。REN笑言私人時間當然沒有了,如果可以選擇的話,他想再來香港是作為休息消閒的目的。白虎則補充大家經常問他們現在跟以前有什麼不同,其實沒有不同,他們都是跟以前一樣的享受每一個當下。隨後更是小試牛刀的唱了段普通話歌想你的夜,為第二天的演唱會作了小預告的同時,NU’EST W也給現場的大家展示了他們的中文能力。

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